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About ATED

The Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors (ATED) has been the definitive reference on Australian terminology in the area of education since 1979. It reflects terminology used to describe research and practice in Australian education.

Developed and maintained by ACER Cunningham Library and updated every six months, ATED is the indispensible tool for indexing and searching Australian education literature.

ATED is used to index the Australian Education Index, Education Research Theses, Database of Research on International Education, Blended, Online Learning and Distance Education research bank, Indigenous Education Research Database and the ACER library catalogue and can also be used to consult these databases.

The Thesaurus can be used to index documents, whether in print or electronic format, and web sites. It can also be used to organise reading lists and bibliographies. It is used in both general and specific education contexts. It provides built-in, controlled subject access which can be embedded into:

  • research databases
  • learning content management systems
  • library catalogues
  • online news services


  • Alphabetically listed descriptors with links to broader, narrower and related terms
  • More than 10,000 terms, of which over 5000 are main entry descriptors
  • Non-preferred terms have references to preferred terms
  • New descriptors reflecting trends and emerging areas of interest in education literature
  • Structured content for efficient information retrieval

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander terms
Structure and format (pdf)
Subject Categories